“Be silent or let thy words be worth more than silence.”
-pythagoras"Vows are spoken
-martin gore
To be broken
Feelings are intense
Words are trivial
Pleasures remain
So does the pain
Words are meaningless
And forgettable"“Never miss a good chance to shut up.”
-will rogers"The silence is above everything, I'd rather hear one note than I would two, and I would rather hear silence than I would hear one note."
-mark hollis“it's not the notes you play, it's the notes you don't play.”
-miles davis
nevermind one of the best youtube channels: jacob geller is easily among the greatest, most important content creators of this century. seriously. i don't know how many of his videos have at some point completely altered my way of seeing the world, art, philosophy, politics and whatever else he feels like turning into this month's god-tier piece of media analysis, but there's not enough praise i can pour onto his channel for it.
this video essay perfectly encapsulates how i feel about modern, experimental and avant-garde art, and how much i fucking despise zero brain activity morons who turn off their brains and go "oh!!! it's not an ancient greek statue of a naked 14 year old boy!!! not le real art!!!" and precisely the reasons why. do yourself a favor and subscribe to jacob geller if you haven't already.
i very often rave about the current state of communications, social media, algorithms and whatnot. like far too often. obsessively often. but that's only because it's something very real that we could have avoided if we'd only paid attention sooner. the signs were right there, twenty years ago. shit, not only were they right there, they had been there long enough for people to start noticing, and have enough time to respond and make criticisms against it. we didn't need to fulfill the dystopian prophecy. it just so happens that here we are today.
max derrat's analysis, inspired by Logossteve, of the lifechanging metal gear solid 2 ending conversation (SPOILERS!!!!!!) is a landmark in youtube essay history and i have literally zero way of building on it so just go watch it and be mindblown at how ungodly ahead of his time hideo kojima's commentary was on technology, artificial intelligence, information, communications, free will, and much more.
actually DON'T do that at all, if you haven't played mgs2 go play it, NOW?????? it's one of the greatest videogames in history what are you DOING. but yeah if you've played it definitely watch max's amazing commentary on it
technology connections is a channel i have nothing but respect for. alec watson, the guy that runs it, is a very knowledgeable, funny, charismatic person who makes incredibly high quality content i sometimes can't believe is free, just right there for everyone. it's a beautiful channel for old farts with a kink for old, obsolete electronics and the related physical phenomena. which includes me, of course. a couple days ago, though, it seems they hopped onto the beautiful bandwagon that is the war against the modern day web, the algorithms, the ai's and you know the rest. something something, his best video is the one where he rebels against the talking point of his entire career, etc. etc.
i always love seeing this topic gain more traction, and i find alec's points to be inspiring and elegantly put. i think it's the responsability of big channels like this to speak out against what i honestly consider to be a very boring but very real dystopia. go ahead and watch the whole thing, as well as technology connection's channel which is, again, full of amazing, funny, interesting, informative content completely for free